The Aftermath

The new Congress of each new country (Northern U.S. and Southern U.S.) could start passing new laws right away. They wouldn't be able to change Social Security for three years, wouldn't be able to change the Constitution for five years, and would have a treaty with the other country for an open border for ten years. But after those periods are up, they're free to start changing those items as well.


The new Northern U.S. would be dominated by liberals, so it's fair to think that they would begin making new laws in harmony with their interests, just as the new Southern U.S. would be dominated by conservatives, and they would begin passing laws that follow a conservative line of thinking.


If we were to use existing liberal and conservative agendas, it's reasonable to think that you'd see the changes described below. Some would happen right away, others would happen over time. Imagine how different these two countries will be twenty years after division!

In the new Northern U.S.

Would remain available, safe, and legal.


In the new Southern U.S.

Would likely be made illegal. Women who have abortions and a doctor who performed an abortion would be imprisoned or executed.





Socialized health care, free for everyone, including mental health, vision and dental care. No health insurance companies or health insurance systems.

Privatized health care, as unregulated as possible (pre-Obamacare; pre-existing conditions exclusions would probably return.) Insurance companies would remain the best option for coverage.


Higher taxes than the South.

Lower taxes than the North.


New regulations to protect consumers and curb risky investment practices at large financial institutions.

Increased deregulation of financial institutions.


Government investment in job stimulus, including re-education and unemployment benefits. Raise the minimum wage.

Decreased taxes on corporations, reduction in length and amount of unemployment compensation.




Same-sex marriage and domestic partnerships would remain legalized at the federal level, with no discrimination between straight and LGBT relationships.

Same-sex marriage would likely be made illegal via constitutional amendment; only straight marriages would be allowed. Unlikely that domestic partnerships would be made legal. Protections for LGBT in hiring, housing, etc. would likely be overturned.



Courts would enforce a sectarian society where region is free to practice but public property and spaces would be neutral. Religious organizations might be taxed.

Prayer in schools and religious sponsorship of public events and spaces would likely become legal. Elements of Christianity would likely be infused into new laws. Churches would become more powerful and be more able to influence politics and remain tax-exempt.


The retirement savings program would likely be enlarged with eligibility age reduced and benefit amounts increased.

Under the guise of rising deficits, Social Security would be cut and possibly eliminated completely. New savings plans might be designed, offered by corporations, not government.


Would be eliminated as unnecessary, since Health Care would be socialized (see above).

Medicare would likely be eliminated completely. Seniors would be expected to purchase health insurance on the open market. New groups for elders might be offered by insurance companies.


Would be eliminated as unnecessary, since Health Care would be socialized (see above).

Medicaid would likely be eliminated completely. People would purchase health insurance on the open market.


The "War on Drugs" would likely be eliminated and marijuana would be made legal. Other drugs might be made legal over time.

The "War on Drugs" would likely be continued, with all drugs currently classified as illegal remaining so.


All branches of the military would be paid higher wages and after service, veteran benefits would likely be increased.

Outsourcing would likely be curtailed.  Wages of service-members would likely remain at current levels, and more outsourcing of military activity would occur. Increased spending with military vendors.


Likely to remain as currently designed.

Would likely be eliminated completely.


New technology such as high speed rail and alternative energy systems would be developed and instituted. More repair of existing infrastructure.

Neither high speed rail or alternative energy would likely be funded. More roads would be built.




Embrace global climate accords. Strict domestic environmental and alternative energy regulations to achieve cleaner sources of stationary and mobile sources of energy; transition away from fossil fuel industry.

Relax or eliminate regulations that would cut air, land, and water pollution and mitigate climate change. Strongly support fossil fuel infrastructure including domestic oil and coal production.


 Likely abolished.

Likely mandated.


More UN involvement, more humanitarian missions, less occupation missions.

"Nation building" less likely; more conflict/occupation missions involving mainly predominately Muslim nations. Less humanitarian missions.


Enforcement of existing civil rights laws increased and new laws designed to bolster equal opportunity passed.

Unknown if existing civil rights laws would be retained or curtailed, but enforcement would likely be de-funded and new laws for equal opportunity would be unlikely. Affirmative Action would likely be eliminated.


Increased federal support of local education, including Headstart and college, and college loans and/or free tuition.

Decreased funding for all education likely; possible elimination of a Dept. of Education.


Liberalize federal judicial system and judges from the Supreme Court on down.

Make federal judicial system and judges conservative from the Supreme Court on down.



The Second Amendment would be amended to clearly restrict ownership and use of firearms by citizens. Strict federal gun control laws would be instituted. This would include a ban on assault weapons, which would include a massive turn-in of these weapons.

The Second Amendment would be amended to be unambiguous as to citizen's rights to own and use virtually any type of firearm. States would be free to institute gun rights laws such as open carry and high capacity magazines.



Controversial, divisive issues besides abortion and gun control, such as gerrymandering and Citizens United, would be largely resolved in favor of the majority of the more liberal populace.

Controversial, divisive issues besides abortion, and gun rights, such as gerrymandering and Citizens United, would be largely resolved in favor of the majority of the more conservative populace.

So, which country would you rather live in? If we divide, it could happen!