The Border

As seen on the map, the border dividing the new Northern United States and Southern United States begins between California and Arizona, travels north between Nevada and Utah, and between Oregon and Idaho. Idaho would be split with the divide occurring by extension eastward of the border between Washington and Oregon. The northern panhandle of Idaho would be absorbed by Montana.


The border then continues eastward between Montana and Wyoming and North Dakota and South Dakota. It then continues southward between South Dakota and Minnesota, Nebraska and Iowa, and Missouri, and downward again to include Illinois. The top-most portion of Indiana, from Gary to Fort Wayne, would be shaved off Indiana, and be absorbed by Michigan.


The border continues on between Ohio and Kentucky, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, and finally ends between Virginia and North Carolina. Hawaii would go with the North, and Alaska would go with the South.


There are some trade-offs in this division, in order to keep the two countries contiguous. The North gains northern Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and a part of Indiana. The South gets to keep Colorado and New Mexico. The North is higher in population while the South is geographically larger.


This places a substantial majority of the states which voted a majority of the time for a Democrat for president in the last six elections in the North, with the exception of Colorado and New Mexico. All of the states that voted a majority of the time for a Republican for president would remain in the south, with the exception of Montana and North Dakota, which balance out Colorado and New Mexico. See this webpage for a listing of the states ranging from most conservative to most liberal as of 2020.


The North would keep Washington D.C. as their national capital. The South would build their own new capital, perhaps in Charlotte, NC or Atlanta, GA. The current sentiment in the existing South is highly anti-government, so presumably they would not mind losing D.C. to the new liberal nation, and they could build a new capital that suits their objectives for government in a manner that pleases them (presumably, scaled-down).


What if I wind up living in the wrong country for me?


Great question. That leads us to....The Treaty.